

There are many terms used in the world of nature-based early childhood education. 下面是我们如何定义各种术语的简要描述. 以获得更全面(且可打印)的!)版本 点击这里“整理条款 & 以自然为本的幼儿教育理念 文档.

  • 简单地说, nature-based early childhood education for young children (0-8 years old) is where learning occurs in the context of nature. There are many program models that are considered nature-based early childhood education (NbECE) such as nature-based preschools (also called nature preschools), 森林幼儿园(又称森林幼儿园), 自然幼儿园, 以自然为本的一年级, 诸如此类. 在所有这些课程中,自然都是课程的核心, there is extensive daily outdoor time over the course of a school year, and teachers implement high-quality early childhood practices as well as high quality environmental education practices. 换句话说, nature and the outdoors permeate virtually every aspect of a NbECE program. So, while the model or program structure may vary there is a common approach to teaching children—nature pedagogy.

    Keep in mind that integration of nature into early childhood education is on a continuum from no nature integration to the other end of the continuum where nature is infused in all parts of the program. A program that fully integrates nature blurs the lines between the indoor and outdoor space, 户外活动的时间很长,通常是一天的第一项活动, 整个室内空间都采用了天然材料, 课堂活动是基于季节变化的. 这种与自然的完全融合是NbECE最纯粹的形式. Our mission at 萨马拉早期教育 is to help move early childhood programs away from the “no nature” end of the continuum and closer to full nature immersion.

  • 自然幼儿园, 有时简称为自然幼儿园, are licensed early childhood programs for 3-5 year olds where at least 30% of the class day is held outside, 自然融入到项目的各个方面, and the pedagogy emphasizes inquiry-based learning through play and hands-on discovery. 这意味着课程是紧急的.e., 基于儿童的兴趣), but given the frequent outdoor time experiences are typically rooted in the seasonal happenings of the natural world. 另外, 自然融入室内空间, and the play areas have an overall appearance of a natural area rather than structured play equipment. 自然幼儿园 include time spent 除了 the designated play area, 自然融入室内空间, 并以自然作为课程的驱动主题(贝利), 2010; Green Hearts, 2014; Larimore, 2011b, 2011a; R. C. 摩尔,2014). Another way of describing this is nature is integrated into learning “indoors,”“在户外,和“超越”(典狱长), 2015). 自然幼儿园 are different from forest preschools which include longer periods of time outdoors (70-100%) and limited use, 如果有任何, 室内空间(拉里莫尔, 2016; Sobel, 2014).

    This nature-based preschool model originated in the United States 与 the first nature-based preschool at New Canaan Nature Center in Connecticut in 1967. Until the early 2000s many referred to this model as nature-center based preschools (Bailie, 2010) and then the language shifted to nature-based preschools (Larimore, 2011). In many cases this history still influences the balance between learning in, 关于, 或者与自然尤其是以自然为基础的幼儿园. Today there are more than 250 preschools that self-identify as being nature-based. (现时以自然为本的幼稚园名单由 自然启动联盟.) Our goal at 萨马拉早期教育 is for that number to grow into the hundreds and eventually thousands or programs that are implementing high-quality nature-based administrative and teaching practices! 

  • 森林幼儿园s are very similar to nature-based preschools in that they typically serve 3-5 year olds. In a forest preschool, however, 70-100% of the day is spent outdoors (Larimore, 2016; Sobel, 2014). 结果是, the indoor space is typically less developed and primarily serves as a shelter from inclement weather. 比如以自然为基础的幼儿园, 自然融入到项目的各个方面, and the pedagogy emphasizes learning through play and hands-on discovery that emerges from the children’s interests. Historically forest preschools are rooted in the Germany Waldkindergartens and Swedish Skogsmulle program models (Sobel, 2014). 因此, many of these forest preschools refer to themselves as “forest kindergarten” which is the English translation from German. 在你.S. 上下文, we prefer to use “forest preschool” as it clarifies the age range and the fact these programs are typically outside of formal school systems which include kindergarten (i.e.(一年级的前一年).

  • 任何经历过自然型婴儿的学生或家长, 蹒跚学步的, or preschool program inevitably wants to attend a nature-based kindergarten (and first grade, 二年级……). 比如针对幼儿的自然项目, elementary students have daily outdoor time as part of their curriculum. Nature is also brought into the classroom through physical materials, 还要在阅读材料的选择上, 小组活动的主题, 诸如此类. 换句话说, nature is infused into all aspects of the classroom and serves as a tool to achieve learning outcomes.

“Nature permeates virtually every aspect of a nature-based early childhood education program.”

— Dr. 瑞秋一. 创始人Larimore & 萨马拉早期教育的首席梦想家


自然幼儿园 are growing in popularity in early childhood education. 在这个视频中. 瑞秋一. Larimore, 萨马拉早期教育的创始人, describes the broad concept of nature-based early childhood education and nature-based preschools specifically.